Attic Ventilation in Minnesota

A properly ventilated attic can be an important component of your home’s overall insulation and comfort. There are several different types of attic vents, and each serves a different purpose. Contact Above All Insulation to see if you can improve your home’s overall insulation profile by improving the ventilation in your attic.

Poorly Ventilated Attics

A poorly ventilated attic can have negative consequences for your home during the summer or winter months. In the winter months, a poorly ventilated attic can lead to warm air from the living space of the home getting trapped inside. When the warm air interacts with the cold underside of your roof this can lead to condensation and ultimately to mold, mildew, and ice dams. During the summer an improperly ventilated attic traps warm air, which radiates down to the space below which causes your home to be too warm or for your air conditioning system to become overburdened.

Types of Attic Vents

      • Ridge Vent
      • Soffit Vents
      • Can Vents / Power Fan Vent
      • Gable Vents
      • Soffit Vents

There are a number of attic vent options that can serve the same or differing purposes. A ridge vent is an attic vent that runs along the upper peak of the attic’s roofline. A ridge vent is an outstanding way of venting out warm air, but is not as effective in drawing in outside air to complete the airflow cycle. They operate best when paired with soffit vents, which are vents that are placed under the eaves of your roof that allow for superior air intake. Gable vents can be of any shape and are typically found near the upper peaks of the siding near your roofline. Gable vents are often used because they operate as both intake and outflow vents. They can also be supplemented with fans that work to increase the air exchange between the attic and the outside. Can Vents and power fan vents are different methods of allowing heat to escape your attic from a similar position. Can vents are passive vents that allow for warm air to escape passively through the natural process of war air rising. Powered roof vents use electricity to push the warm air out via a powered fan that is vented to the outside.


Importance of Proper Attic Ventilation

A properly ventilated attic can save you in the long run. Releasing warm air minimizes condensation and ice dams in the winter, and allow heat to escape your home and helps keep you cool in the summer. Contact Above All Insulation to see if Above All Insulation can help you optimize your attic ventilation in Minnesota.

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