Net and blow insulation is one of the many home insulation techniques available if you choose to have your home or attic insulated by Above All Insulation. Proper home insulation is a vital component of an overall home heating and cooling system. A well-insulated attic can lower your long-term heating and cooling bills as well as prevent attic ice dams, and mold and mildew from excess condensation.


What is Net and Blow Insulation

Net and blow insulation is a process that takes advantage of the blow-in insulation in open framing. A fine mesh net is attached over the framing and then a tube is inserted threw the net to blow insulation into the hollow space between the wall framing.

Advantages of Net and Blow Insulation

The advantage of net and blow insulation is that the insulation can fit into irregular shapes and around obstructions like wiring or pipes without leaving any gaps. As gaps in the insulation are one of the ways that heat can pass through an insulation barrier, minimizing those gaps provides superior insulating properties. Another advantage of this method of applying insulation is that after the initial preparation of the net is complete, the insulation can be added relatively quickly. Which can allow you to move on to the next phase of your home improvement project.

Disadvantages of Net and Blow Insulation

The major disadvantage of net and blow insulation is that it needs to be applied when the walls are bare of drywall and the netting can be applied to the wall framing. There are methods of blow-in insulation that can be used when the drywall is already up, but that is a separate technique. The other drawback to net and blow insulation is that removing it is messier and more difficult than removing batt or rolled insulation.

Importance of Insulating Your Home

If you have ever been in a poorly insulated home you have probably noticed how uncomfortable it can be in the hot summer months and the cold winter months. The heat seems to beat down from the ceiling in the summer, and the cold seeps in through the walls in the winter. A well-insulated home keeps the elements at bay and can offer you a great deal of savings when it comes to your annual heating and cooling costs. Contact Above All Insulation to find out whether net and blown insulation is your best home insulation option or to schedule a consultation to determine which method of insulation is the best for your home.

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