Proper insulation is a must-have in a climate that features cold temperatures like Minnesota. An improperly or inadequately insulated home can cost you hundreds of dollars per year in additional heating and cooling costs, in addition to creating hot and cold spots in your home that never seem to be comfortable no matter how much you run your HVAC systems. For years there was no way to increase the insulation in your walls without tearing down the drywall, removing the old insulation, and installing new installation. But no more, now Minnesota homeowners can increase the insulation in their homes with dense-pack cellulose insulation.

What is Dense Pack Cellulose Insulation

Dense pack cellulose insulation is made up of cellulose fiber that is derived from recycled paper products. It is treated with fire retarded and anti-mold and mildew solutions for an environmentally friendly and non-toxic insulating product. The cellulose is then densely packed into the wall cavity under pressure, which makes the cellulose behave like a liquid where it fills in air gaps that allow climate-controlled air to leave the home and outside air to enter. The insulation can be added either through the exterior siding of your home or through the interior walls. In either case, a hole is cut into the wall beneath your exterior siding or through your drywall, and an application hose is inserted in the hole which blows the cellulose into the wall cavity under pressure.

Advantages of Dense Packed Cellulose Insulation

One of the primary advantages of dense-packed cellulose insulation is that it can be used in the existing walls of your home without the need for extensive renovations. In times past upgrading your old or existing insulation may have required an extensive renovation including ripping out and replacing your drywall. Dense-packed cellulose does not require the old insulation to be removed and can be added to your existing insulation. Also by cutting holes in the wall that are then patched, this form of insulation adds the most benefit with the least disruption to your home.

Importance of Insulating Your Home

If you have ever been in a poorly insulated home you have probably noticed how uncomfortable it can be in the hot summer months and the cold winter months. The heat seems to beat down from the ceiling in the summer, and the cold seeps in through the walls in the winter. A well-insulated home keeps the elements at bay and can offer you a great deal of savings when it comes to your annual heating and cooling costs. Contact Above All Insulation to find out if dense-packed cellulose insulation is your best home insulation option or to schedule a consultation to determine which method of insulation is the best for you.

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